Why you need BHAGs

Why you need BHAGs

Have you ever heard of a BHAG?

(pronounced bee-hag)

According to Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, who coined the phrase, it stands for "Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal"

It can be defined as follows:

"It’s a goal that has a clear finish line so you know when you have achieved the goal. And it’s one that you have a 50 percent to 70 percent chance of achieving. It’s not something so outlandish that it’s highly unlikely that you will ever achieve it, but it’s definitely something you’ll have to stretch yourself to make happen" (Rachel Rodgers).

Although BHAGs have many benefits

Such as:

Why who you know matters more than what you know

Why who you know matters more than what you know

Recently, I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with my godson, Max

He just turned 2

We sang nursery rhymes (like the wheels on the bus), watched Baby Shark and played with the baby proof version of a marble run that I got him for his birthday

We had great fun lol

What's also great about Max is that, so long as he was occupied, he would leave me and his mum (my good sis, Isata) to chat

Which was great because we had so much to catch up on

The only time he'd interrupt us was to let us know that he needed help with something

Like fixing a toy, getting something open or what not

Which got me thinking, we need to be more like Max and not suffer in silence

Here's why

Why this simple question will get you anything you want in life

Why this simple question will get you anything you want in life

When I was a toddler, my mum says that I was mesmerised by the fireplace

So much so that I wouldn't heed her warnings not to go near it

One day, exasperated with this constant song and dance, she allowed me to touch the rail that guarded it

According to her, not only did I immediately pull my hand back from the heat, I never tried to get close to the fireplace again

In other words, this (newfound) fear protected me and kept me safe

Here’s my point 👇🏾

How to overcome imposter syndrome

How to overcome imposter syndrome

Before Sarah achieved her dream of conceiving Isaac, she disqualified herself- believing she was too old to do so

Hence the whole Hagar debacle

Yet Hebrews 11:11 makes it clear that she went on to receive "strength to conceive seed, and...bore a child when she was past the age..."

Which means that none of her "undesirable" circumstances changed in order for her to achieve her dream, so what did?

Sarah was able to do this "by faith" because "she judged Him faithful who had promised" (Hebrews 11:11)

In other words, she took her eyes off her perceived inadequacies and placed them on God

That was the game changer that helped her to get what she wanted and is the thing that has helped me in every iteration of my entrepreneurial journey, including my most recent one with Media Magic

My retreat for business women who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays

Want to get out of the chokehold that imposter syndrome has on you too?

How to overcome fear to achieve your goals

How to overcome fear to achieve your goals

"So you really want me to do this, huh God?",

This was something I said to Him while I was actually on the plane to Mexico

It seems stupid now, and me and my loved ones have definitely laughed at this when I've told them about it...but that's how surreal it felt to be hosting my first retreat

A retreat where I would be teaching business women a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays.

Thinking about it now, I know that this was because of a phenomenon called "confirmation bias"

Which, according to Steven Barlett is caused by the fact that "humans tend to search for, favour and recall information in a way that confirms or supports their existing beliefs or values"

In other words, I had no evidence that I could actually jump the final hurdle of hosting a retreat; so I still found it hard to reconcile that this was my new identity and reality

This, despite all the:

  • Praying

  • Planning

  • Meetings

  • Coordinating with and for attendees etc

That had got me up to this point

According to Bartlett this is typical as "the further [your] new evidence [or reality] is from [your] current beliefs, the less likely it is to change [your] thinking". This was especially true for me because of my background

You see, it's deeper than the fact that this was my first retreat

How to manifest exactly what you want

How to manifest exactly what you want

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know I have a background in Speech and Language Therapy, and that at the beginning of my career, I worked in Primary Schools (or Elementary Schools for my American peeps)

(I see you!)

During this time, there were periods and jobs where I’d invariably feel bored and, ultimately, like leaving. These feelings were due to bad managers, stressful work conditions, and unfair pay, which left me wishing for a new job

But complacency kept me at these unfulfilling jobs until the tide would turn, and they would do something that made me go, “Alright, enough is enough. I need to leave"

I found myself in a cycle of unpleasant and unfulfilling jobs, till I realised that the adage, "be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it", is true, but just not in the way we typically think…

Here’s how 👇🏾

Why faith is important for achieving success

Why faith is important for achieving success

If you follow me on social media then you’ll know that I love to do monthly recaps

In these reels I, not only share what I got up to (visually) during a particular month, I also share what I learned (through a voice over)

When I think about July, it just feels like there were so many lessons learned

Which is unusual because I can usually distil it down to one thing/theme

The reason being because I achieved a major goal. I put on a retreat for women in business who want to go from stumped to savvy about how to get PR for their businesses (Media Magic)

See 👇🏾

How to leverage your network for PR success

How to leverage your network for PR success

I always feel blessed and honoured whenever I have the opportunity to share my story in publications like Addicted to Success and Black Ballad. But, what brings me greater joy is the opportunity to share how I’ve done it with women like yourself

So, keep reading to learn how to get your foot in the door and, ultimately, be a consistent feature in major publications

SPOILER ALERT: the secret to your success is something you already possess because...